Ronin Resurrection and event interest...

Started by jutngo, November 17, 2019, 09:28:11 AM

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This is a continuation of the Ronin Resurrection chat that's been ongoing for some time now. I know there's a few of us about so it would be good to have something on the go soon if we can get organised....

Definitely thinking Super Pole. Probably factory spec and I'll see what the BoP thing is like for the Gr.2 's.

Maybe before Christmas?   :gaming:

Great!!! I will post here from now on thanx  :)

Towing(holding up drivers behind me) & Recovery(very unlikely)

Did a quick arcade test with the '08 GT500's and they seemed close at 499bhp / 1150kg limits. Factory settings with only brakes changed to -1.
Just a few laps each so I'll do a bit more running soon.


Did some more testing on a bigger track and found the NSX about a second quicker than the others so tried out the BoP setting and they seemed better. Might just use that. Maybe racing mediums.

I'll try to get online tomorrow evening and maybe catch coffee in his lobby. Might try to get some forum traffic going again....

Watching this feed with interest, if I could get a steady connection on Remote Play on the laptop I'd be on every night again

Cool. If the online stuff doesn't work the best for you at the moment then I'm happy with any offline TT challenge you want to set anytime...

Hi all, I'm hoping to join Coffee and Fake tomorrow evening, usually around 9, so if anyone else
would like to hope in don't be shy  :)

Nice one Jay. Bit late to join you for that but I'll try to get on for a coffee evening again soon. Been racing quite a bit with Delaney and the AOR crew. Great racing with those dudes and all very quick.
Would really love to do an event from here again though. That's still my goal.

Hello world! haha  :hi:

Hope you guys are well, and having fun racing each other. Also hope everyone is well in these strange times.

Not on PS4 anymore - didn't see the point in paying for the subscription when there didn't seem to be anyone around!

If any of you happen to be on PC (yeah, I'm one of "those" guys now) then feel free to say hello to us on Discord. By us, I mean Dave and myself!)

Discord link |

Hope to speak to some of you soon.

All the best.

AKA Ronin_GTRobin

Life - Noun. The thing that gets in the way of gaming.

Hey Robin. Coffee is still doing the Wednesday nights and there can be a few names floating about at those. I manage to join every couple of weeks. My racing at the moment is with AOR. Delaney dragged me into that crowd and it's great to be doing the organised championships again.
Would be ideal to be organising an event for Ronin but without more people active on the forum here I just don't see it happening at the moment. I'll always check back though, you never know!

Hope  your peeps are all keeping well dude.
Don't have discord or even know what that is actually!  What's app group is still there so good that we can all catch up in some way.

Hi Lads, still putting in the practice with the wheel, its worlds apart from a controller, 100% better
I've been using in-car view only and manual gears,
One or two things I noticed, when you look back
in car the sounds goes funny, and when I lose control it's harder to catch than it was with
the controller
One other thing, when the force feedback kicks in it feels/sounds like a bag of bolts going
off in your hands  :gaming:

Yeah, the wheel can be noisy alright!  Keep up some practice with the controller so you can do the occasional sneaky late night session.   :gaming:

Quote from: jutngo on April 09, 2020, 10:31:40 PM
My racing at the moment is with AOR. Delaney dragged me into that crowd and it's great to be doing the organised championships again.
Would be ideal to be organising an event for Ronin but without more people active on the forum here I just don't see it happening at the moment. I'll always check back though, you never know!

Hope  your peeps are all keeping well dude.
Don't have discord or even know what that is actually!  What's app group is still there so good that we can all catch up in some way.
Sorry about that John, I don't know what went by me.

Hi guy's. All (well most) is well in Denmark, but I always miss You guy's. What We had back then was just sooo great.

But as John write, We are doing some great racing. Atm it's our 12th season and this time it a Gr.X Cup in the BMW VGT. July 2nd is last round (4th) where We'll be at Bathurst in the dark (scary but fun). After that it's a new season in the Constructors Challenge. An 8 round competition in Gr.4 and Gr.3's. look for Gran Turismo (dahh). It's always (in racecars that is) RH/RM/RS and with everything turned off except ABS. Normally We do a 10 minute qualifying, a 40-ish minute Feature Race and a 20 minute Sprint Race with reverse grid. Damm I start to sound like an advert.
A lot of people go through life doing things badly. Racing

Ohh btw You can see us at Apexonlineracing's Youtube channel 7.45 pm June 25th and July 2nd. The first date We'll be doing the last round of ILC (Inter League Championship against F1R (a German racing league) and July 2nd it's the last round of season 12, the Gr.X Cup. No I'm not winning and neither is John, We are just doing our best to hang in there. There are some seriously fast guy's up front.
A lot of people go through life doing things badly. Racing

Will check out the stream on July 2nd, cheers Jan.