Password Managers

Started by bo0td-, June 10, 2016, 04:16:00 PM

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Who's using them? I've been guilty of using easy to remember, weak passwords on sites that don't contain any of my financial info... after having my Rockstar and Twitch accounts hacked, I'm now using one.

I know which site was responsible for my email address and passwords being compromised by checking here

I use a new email address for password manager login, an address I will use only for this purpose. The email also has two factor authentication, as do all my other addresses. The reason for using a new email address is that if any site gets breached, the hackers won't have an email address that is linked to my password manager. I have the new address set to forward all mail to my main email, so if I get any security warnings I'll be aware.

I've always had concerns about using a password manager, but after having 2 accounts compromised I've realised it's no worse than what I was doing, and at least this way I have the convenience of one-click logins.

This thread is not intended as advice, just something to consider. Don't blame me if you start using one and it gets hacked... or you forget your master password  :slap:

I'm guilty of allowing Google to monitor my passwords.

To be honest I don't deviate too far from a certain set of words, in various different ways.

At the end of the day, my bank passwords are not related to any of my gaming ones, and if someone wants to hack my banks, and they are successful, then kudos to the hacker.

Plus how will anyone guess Password123??
AKA Ronin_GTRobin

Life - Noun. The thing that gets in the way of gaming.

Quote from: RedBreastGaming on June 10, 2016, 06:05:34 PM

Plus how will anyone guess Password123??

It was Robin that hacked my Twitch!  :slap:

Lol. 100% secure password.
AKA Ronin_GTRobin

Life - Noun. The thing that gets in the way of gaming.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil