
Started by Andy, March 10, 2012, 06:05:31 PM

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A big thank you to you both,for havin a great forum,and for the great banners  :cheers:  :cheers:
Moyamoya disease - support for all the family with moyamoya

Check out the above fb page it's the reason I did the dreaded leg wax

 No problem and thanks lads.

Mach, banners look amazing, nice work bud!

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"Where a goat can go, a man can go. And where a man can go, he can drag a gun." - William Phillips (1731)

Great work dudes!  :bananarock:

Cheers Mach/Dave  :cheers:

Great work guy's as allways  :cheers:
A lot of people go through life doing things badly. Racing

Can people please refresh their browsers, clear cache's etc and let me know whether our updated bookmark/favourite icon has updated for you?


ps, I've been faffing about with it for about an hour.

Quote from: BossAndy on August 14, 2014, 08:18:11 AM
Can people please refresh their browsers, clear cache's etc and let me know whether our updated bookmark/favourite icon has updated for you?


ps, I've been faffing about with it for about an hour.

Could maybe do with a white background boss?

"Favicon" looks good otherwise.

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"Where a goat can go, a man can go. And where a man can go, he can drag a gun." - William Phillips (1731)

August 14, 2014, 10:47:57 AM #127 Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 12:29:11 PM by Mach
Favicon looks cool maaaan..   :bananawin:

Both look cool boss

Good stuff, glad it works for you lot too.

I'll do a white background if you guys feel it's better. I've got a light bookmark bar so it doesn't affect me.

 Mines blue so it looks a little off... lol

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"Where a goat can go, a man can go. And where a man can go, he can drag a gun." - William Phillips (1731)

We've had a few changes in the past few days!

Alex, Mach and Neil are your new Global Moderators. They are going to be helping us behind the scenes and driving the forum forward.

The biggest change that will affect you guys is regarding events. Everyone here is definitely allowed to setup and create events for Gran Turismo, and any other racer/game. However, with so many events happening recently, and more to be planned, you guys now have some 'go-to' people to run your ideas past before the event is live on the forum as an official event. Those people are:

- RGT_Alex
- Jutngo
- Delaney

They will assist you with questions you have, dates available and anything else regarding events. RGT_Alex is going to write up a few guidelines to follow, just so everyone is clear on the process. He also needs to have an oversight on all events, because he is planning bring forward our Twitch steaming service over the coming 6-12 months. Events and race nights will be streamed for the world to see, and it's going to get even bigger once GT7 and PCars arrive on PS4.

I'll let Alex explain more about all of this.

Finally, the HDC thread is going to be updated with the new Admin & GM list... take a look at that once it's done, because each GM will also have their own title of things they will be looking after.

Cheers all.

Oh right, it's like that is it?! Well, I can honestly say.........good idea chaps  :smiley:

We just want the ideas to flow, but not for events to collide into others. That's about it really.  :cheers:

As you have probably noticed chaps, some more changes to the forum have happened today.

Once again, big thankyou to Mach and Dave for the new 'menu'. Looks like it's always been here. Each option will (eventually) take you to a new separate page. These four new pages will hopefully enhance our forum and give you guys something to catch up on each week. Whether it be new highlight videos, more news from GT Academy (I'll try and keep on top of this throughout the year) and our new RoninGT Blog! I will be asking members if they wish to contribute to this new blog over the coming months/years. All you'll need to do is send me your paragraphs of text, I and/or our GMs be doing the rest!

Another mention that's needed is Dekka, who worked out the best way to get use of the 'pages' option we have to create these blank extension pages. Sounds simple but as is anything with 'SimplePortal', it's far from simple!  :cheers:

Currently, the one link that does actually take you somewhere is Ronin Live! This is a page dedicated to the Twitch Feed. Currently only the feed is embedded, but of course with any blank page we may well enhance it over time.

Thankyou for your continued support.  :iwin: :cheers: